Jonatan Pinkse — Towards a net zero economy while improving productivity — Treasury seminar
Online, free of charge, and open to all. Next Tuesday 20 June @9:30am NZST
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Presentation slides and video are now online
Towards a net zero economy while improving productivity: pipe dream or realistic outlook?
The Treasury is pleased to present an online seminar on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 at 9:30am (NZST) with Jonatan Pinkse of the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. This seminar is part of the Treasury’s seminar series on the topic of “Productivity in a Changing World”. The seminar is open to all and free of charge.
Please register at Productivity in a Changing World seminar series - Jonatan Pinkse Tickets, Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite.
About Jonatan Pinkse
Jonatan Pinkse is Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester and theme lead of Social, Environmental & Technological Transitions of the UKRI-funded the Productivity Institute. His passion is innovation and sustainability. He is a regular speaker on topics related to strategy and innovation for net-zero and sustainability, business model innovation for disruption, managing the green transition, and digital platforms.
In his research, Jonatan analyses how firms make strategic decisions to create a sustainable economy and deal with tensions between issues and actors. He investigates opportunities and barriers for firm adoption of disruptive and sustainable technologies from cognitive, organizational, and institutional perspectives.
Jonatan has authored more than 60 scholarly and practitioner articles in journals. In 2020, he was included in the prestigious Highly Cited Researcher list. Before moving to Manchester, he held positions at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and Grenoble Ecole de Management. He is also deputy editor for the journal Organization & Environment.
Slides and video recording
Jonatan’s slides and a video recording of the presentation will be available on the Treasury website within a few days of the presentation.
Productivity in a Changing World seminar series
The theme “Productivity in a changing world” recognises that lifting productivity performance continues to be central to improving New Zealanders’ wellbeing, and that we face this challenge in the context of significant economic, social and environmental shifts. These shifts will require considerable changes in our economy if we are to sustain and improve our economic and productivity performance.
By Tim Ng